Wednesday 15 March 2017


Everyone wants to feel special. Just see how a person's eyes light up when you give them a compliment.  If you want to improve your relationships, the following tips below will help.

S. Serve 

Put others first before yourself. I know this might be a challenge in the ''Me, Myself and I'' era but its doable. Rather than think about how someone can serve you, why not think about how you can serve someone else. Do something kind with no strings attached.  Make serving your ultimate goal.

P. Personalize 

Everybody loves a personal touch. Call people by their name. They love it.  Personalise your interactions with others. Do something specifically for someone, especially if you know what they like. Buy them a gift and personalise it.

E. Encourage

People can never get enough encouragement. When we encourage people we help build their confidence. I have a group of women that encourage me daily and its such a boost. Look for a good word and encourage them. Your encouragement may be the only positive message they hear today.

C. Courtesy

This goes hand in hand with respect. When you are courteous to others, it's very welcoming. Courtesy doesn’t just mean saying please or thank you, but it also means treating people with kindness.

   I.  Interest

If you want to be a person of influence, you have to show a genuine interest in others and NOT because you want to get something from them. Show interest. No strings attached.  Have a pure heart. Ask questions rather than talking about yourself. Send a text that just says How are you today? 

   A.  Appreciation

The best way to appreciate others is to simply tell them so.  It’s that simple. Not because you want to use them but because you genuinely care. You don’t always have to buy gifts to show appreciation, you can simply say ''well done!'' 

L. Listen

People just want to be listened to. When you are listening, show you are, by using good body language like nodding or repeating back what the person says. Look at the person. Remove all distractions like your mobile phone and just listen.

So that's it. You can never go wrong with making people feel special. I hope you found the above, a useful reminder of what you know already. Sometimes we just have to be more intentional with our interactions. 

Thanks for stopping by and if it you found the tips useful, then please share with others.  Don’t forget to leave a message in the comment box and let me know what makes you feel special. I would really love to know.

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