Thursday, 24 May 2018


Where do I even start with this amazing event tagged ‘’Moms on the GO ‘’which took place this morning?  I was only able to catch the morning session because of my event planning duties for an event tomorrow but what I did experience was educative, informative and worth sharing.


The morning event started with the welcome address by the Founder /CEO Amb Unyine – Ivy King of SOW&G Foundation. She believes that all issues begin from the family. And she is a strong advocate of instilling character and values.  

With Founder /CEO Amb Unyime-Ivy King 


Suicide is a medical epidemic
Statistics from 2017 in Nigeria states that out of every 5 suicides 3 are aged 15 – 25.
The session this morning was ‘’Addressing Mental Disorders and growing Suicide Rates Among Teenagers: Red Flags and Solutions’’

Panel Discussion


·      Mrs Chinedum Oluwasamiloa – Head of School Corona
·      Becky Oyibo – Psychecolorist
·      Victory Yinka Banjo – Student Leader
·      Mr Kris Allita – Teen Mentor
·      Dr Osaz – Medical Doctor & Neuro Psychologist
·      Marilyn Oma Anona – Hostess
The moderator Marilyn Anona said that there is a common view among Nigerians that suicide is not of us. But statistics show that suicide is increasing especially among teens.  So below are my notes from the Q&A

Confident young lady named Esther

What is suicide?

·      Deliberately taking one’s own life
·      An action that results from total hopelessness
·      If I go no one will miss me
·      Often pre-planned
·      Starts with anxiety then depression then suicide
·      It’s the very end of the spectrum

What factors increase suicide among teens?

·      Loss of a loved one especially if there is deep connection (We saw this in death of Whitney Houston’s daughter)
·      Bitter divorce between parents
·      Change of location especially from one city to another

Who is most at risk?

·      Every child not just teens 
·      Sometimes children as young as 5  feel suicidal.
·      If your child suggests this then do take them seriously

Some suicidal incidents in Lagos

·      Failed Jamb 4 times
·      Academic pressure from parents
·      Failed 1st year in University
·      Boyfriend impregnated girl and another girl

What are the warning signs?

·      They feel worthlessness
·      They feel hopelessness
·      Expectation of wishing something disastrous would happen like ceiling collapsing and killing everyone
·      Seeking Rat poison
·      Seeking Knives
·      Marks on the body
·      Withdrawal
·      Extreme Sadness
·      Easily aggressive and highly irritable

Girls attempt suicide but don’t take their lives as much as boys.

How did we get here?

·      Children are more isolated
·      They don’t know their neighbours
·      Humans are meant to be social
·      Societal pressures

How can suicide be prevented?

·      Avoid social isolation
·      Talk to your teens
·      Praise teens for efforts other than academic performance such as community service, character, arts, dance etc
·      Affirm your children
·       Be their advocate.
·      Instil confidence in teens
·      Don’t allow children under 13 on social media
Parents need to engage more in conservation with teens. Listen but don’t be judgmental. Be supportive and allow your teen to understand that failure is just feedback. We need to be more encouraging and have more empathy. Also if your child is depressed, it’s not the time to point to scriptures.

Teenagers do feel that there is so much going on which can be whelming. They are thinking of their future, peer pressure and over stressed while trying to make the grades.


Did you know that happiness is a chemical experience?
Dr Osaz – Medical Doctor & Neuro Psychologist shared tips on how to increase happiness from the 4 chemicals which may prove useful for your teens.

Dopamine – This can be achieved when you score a goal, accomplish a task or even perform acts of kindness. Volunteering has also shown to increase dopamine. Appreciate each little step you take. Be present in the moment and be grateful.

Oxytocin – Social Bonding! Each time you bond socially it releases happiness. Give someone a cuddle. Spend time we loved ones. We already know this leads to long life and good health.

Serotonin – Earn respect! Start looking for someone to help. Or start a cause or a foundation.  My research also states that sunshine increases this hormone along with exercise and happy thoughts.

Endorphin – Do something against your discomfort or against the impossible.  Go and do something that you don’t feel like doing and you might surprise yourself. Make sure its legal.  From my research doing high intense exercise increase endorphins. So if one suffers from depression they are urged to increase exercise.

Supporting SOW&G Foundation

So that's it from me, if you found my blog post useful, please leave a comment and please share with others that may benefit.


About Author

RiRi is a dedicated Events planner, personal development trainer and speaker who is passionate about serving clients at Majestically Rare to the highest standards. Only the best will do. She is also the founder of Raising Confident Girls Initiative with a clear vision: A world where every girl is confident. 

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