Sunday, 20 August 2017


I believe that if we can conquer managing our emotions, we will have a more peaceful and rewarding life. In 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Cowey says, ''We should not let the actions of others dictate our reactions''. He went on further to say rather our principles and values should dictate our action. Otherwise we will become a social weather; which means when you are treated well, you feel good, when people treat you bad, you respond by mirroring their negativity and then it becomes a vicious circle. 

John Maxwell states that people treat us according to how they see themselves rather than how we really are, we shouldnt take negative behaviour personally and be so reactive.


There is a better way. Stephen Cowey states that proactive people carry their own weather. They are not driven by the behavior of others, rather they are driven by their values. Here’s a classic example: If your values are love, even if people are not loving to you, you can still respond in love. 

To further buttress this views , my husband always says “Don’t let another person’s behaviour affect you negatively, rather let your behaviour affect another person positively’’. You always have the choice.


You can’t choose how other people treat you, but you can choose how to act. You can choose to love when hated and even smile when persecuted.  It might appear weak but the true demonstration of power are those who are in control of their emotion. Its actually Biblical. (Proverbs 16:32) 

When dealing with others, we can act negatively towards them or choose to act favourably to someone who doesn’t deserve it.

So tell me how do you manage your emotions? Please leave a comment in the box below. Thanks for stopping by and if you found this article useful use the share buttons below to share with others.

Further reading
(1)      The 21 Immutable Laws of Relationships by Gregory Ijowola
(2)     The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

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