Tuesday, 1 August 2017


I live in an environment where value is often measured by what a person drives, what designers they have, who they know or how wealthy they appear. Wealth is nice and can bring great comforts but its important to put it into perspective. Net-worth is not self-worth. Some individuals lack confidence because they have limiting beliefs and don’t even recognise their own value. 

Recognise Your Value

How can you know your value if you don’t recognise it? What are you basing your value on? Is it based on how people treat you? How much money you have? What position you have in society? How many followers you have on instagram? Who you know?  What others tell you about yourself? These are limiting beliefs about value because a person's circumstance can change. In addition, people's opinion and the way they treat you can be fickle. You're popular today and ignored tomorrow.  In order to feel valuable you have to recognise your own value. Yes You.

I write this as a person who has been through this experience of limiting value. But Thank God for Jesus. As a believer, I recognise that my value is from God. My DNA comes from HIM. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I recognise that I am made in HIS image. As a child of God, I am assured that I am of inestimable value. I am a masterpiece. In fact if you were to price my value, I am simply priceless. Do you feel the same about yourself?

Believe Your Value

When you recognise your value, then you have to believe in your value. You have to believe with all your heart and with your entire mind and with all your soul that you are indeed valuable.

Once you believe in your value, you will start walking in the power of your belief.  You wont put yourself in environments where your self worth is compromised. You won't be around people that don't value you. Your step will change. You will present yourself like a person of value. You will walk with your head high irrespective of your circumstance because you know who you are. It starts with belief.

Get rid of stick thinking

Accept Your Value

When you believe your value,  the next step is full acceptance of who you are. You will accept yourself as a unique individual who is a gift to the world. You wont be swayed by people’s opinion of you because your belief system is grounded.  

Those that accept themselves focus on their strengths and not weaknesses. Have you accepted your value?
It is not enough to find your value and keep it all to yourself. Once you are discover your value, you should aim to make others feel valuable to. That way everyone benefits. 

Thanks for stopping by and please leave a comment in the box. I would love your thoughts. If you found this article useful please share with others.

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