Tuesday, 11 October 2016


I recently hosted my birthday fellowship and hangout. Under normal circumstances and when I think back to my 21st birthday party, I would have invited more friends but I really wanted the fellowship to be cosy and intimate. Besides most of the people I invited had seen me at really difficult seasons in my life in Lagos and encouraged me individually, so I wanted to bring them all under one roof and celebrate my life with them. My mum who lives in the UK saw the birthday photos and said with excitement, ''You really have great friends in Lagos'' and we both chuckled. 


The theme was love one another. My husband made the audience laugh.  He said that for his wife who is such a party person and socialite, to request a fellowship on her birthday shows that she has matured like fine wine and is deeper. He is right. Life is not all haha hehe. There was a need to pray together, for each other and for our country which is experiencing extreme hardship.

We had an open discussion on verses from the Bible on love. We touched on 1 Corinthians 13 which states that even if we speak in tongues, have faith and give to the poor but have no love, then we are really nothing because love is the greatest gift of all. The general view was that Love is lacking in our society and as the body of Christ we need to show more of HIM in us. If we cant show Christ in us, we won’t win souls. It starts by loving everyone irrespective of their status in society.

The Quiz

At some point in the day, my sons boldly stepped in and were the comperes of the occasion. The guests were divided into two teams to find out ‘’How well they know RiRi’’. There’s no point in coming to my house to hangout with me if you don’t know what primary schools and secondary schools I went to or what part time jobs I held at University or the nick name my husband calls me lol.  I mean these are basics right lol? It was a light fun session and everyone enjoyed themselves.

What Is Important?

As you get older you realise that you don’t need lots of money to be happy. You don’t need a lots friends to be happy, just real ones. You don’t need lots of social media likes to be happy. All you need are a few genuine friends that love you and want the very best for you and most importantly will pray with and for you. I received that on Saturday and that was the best birthday present I could ask for.

What does love mean to you? How can you improve on it in your life?  If this post touched you in anyway, please feel free to share it and thanks for stopping by. 

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