Saturday, 10 September 2016


So, I’m sitting here on a rainy day and I’m thinking about the word ‘’integrity’’. Integrity simply means the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
This word has been on my mind for about a week after a discussion I had with a lady about what I do and who I influence. I realized that as a person who has put herself in the public domain as an influencer for ‘’Raising Confident Girls Initiative’’, it is important more than ever to check myself to make sure I am walking in high integrity.

My Word

The first thing I thought about are my words. Are my words true to who am I? I’ve joined forces with a tribe of ladies to promote Raising Confidence Girls. I use the word confidence probably up to 5 times a day. I talk about confidence. I write about confidence. So that stands to beg the question, RiRi are you walking in confidence? Do I demonstrate confidence? Do I have self -belief? Do I love me? What I am willing to accept and not? I need to check myself constantly to make sure I practice what I preach.


Integrity is about being honest especially when no-one is watching. So again I ask myself, I am living my truth? Am I being true to others? Even as an international marketing consultant I often engage with businesses from all over the globe, who need publicity of their products and services . If I don’t believe they have a strong business case, do I decline the job at the risk of losing consultancy fees? I should hope so. I always have to check myself.

Treat Others With Respect

I am very big on respect but in order for me to want respect I have to make sure I am respecting others. This includes their time and space. In addition, I have to make sure that as a person of integrity I treat people fairly irrespective of status. It also important that I respect myself too and not put myself in situations where respect is lacking.

Be Transparent

I would like to think that I am genuine and transparent with people. I know I am not perfect and I thank God that I have family and friends that can keep me in check if I am drifting.  I hope that I will never deceive people but be bold enough to say what I mean openly and honestly, so help me God.

Accept Mistakes

In my opinion, the ego is the because destroyer in life to anyone who ranks integrity as a high value. I am aware that if I allow my ego to get the better of me, it will be my biggest destroyer. So I constantly need to check myself. When I make mistakes I should correct them, apologize quickly and move on. 

Walk My Talk

Finally, I have to constantly be on the look out that I am really walking my talk. Aside from my family, I have made myself accountable to a few close sister friends who can honestly tell me the truth in love.  I thank God for them.

Gosh, this has been a difficult task, writing about integrity.  It’s not an easy journey to be completely real to who you are but it is the only way to be truly authentic and confident.

What about you? How high is your integrity? Stop! It’s not something you need to disclose publicly but it’s always good to check yourself and be true to who you are. Thanks for stopping by and please write a comment and share with others that may benefit.

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