Friday, 30 March 2018


For quite some time Ive become fascinated with the ‘’Law of Attraction’’ which simply states that we attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. I believe that it points to the scripture which says ‘’ As a man thinketh so he is’’ (Proverbs 23:7). Previously, I would allow my negative thoughts get the better of me; but I wanted to find, a better way to control my thoughts, so that they don’t control me. Since I started applying some of tactics from the Law, I have a more fulfilling and content life. It’s about taking absolute control of your thought life.

So these are some of the practical steps that I do on a daily basis that help me attract what I desire. I hope you find them useful.

06:00 Visualize

In the morning, after my quiet time, I take a moment to visualise the day’s events unfolding in a positive way. My vision board is located strategically in my bedroom. I actually have two vision boards. Everything that I want to achieve for the year is on that board. I visualize myself achieving them. 

06:10 Focus On Your Goals

At the beginning of the year, like many of you, I wrote down many goals. On a daily basis I review them and I choose at least one tactic that I want to accomplish for the day that will help me get closer to my goals. This strategy is more effective and stops me from feeling overwhelmed by so many goals.

06:30 Practice Affirmations

There is real power in affirmations and I recite both spiritual and career ones to myself.  By the end of my affirmations, I feel really positive and ready to take charge of my day. I can certainly see a lot of those affirmations unfolding in my life and I smile.

07:00 Discuss Your Plans

Find a small circle of friends or loved ones and share your plans. It helps you to be accountable. I love my small circle of trusted sister friends. In addition, if you have a journal write your plans down and be accountable.

07:30 Random Acts of Kindness

Be intentional in being kind because kindness always come back. What does this look like? Compliment someone, share someone’s post, and offer to help someone else. Say something nice.Going the extra mile to be kind really does have a lot of benefits for your overall well being as well as others. It certainly helps me. I choose to be kind.

08:00 Spread Positive Energy

I try and spread as much positive energy by focusing on the good things that are happening in my life or in the world. I do have challenges like everyone else but I choose not to wallow in them but rather I choose to be positive. I am intentional with what I share on social media: My intention is always too share love, peace and hope.

12:00 Be Kind to Yourself

At lunchtime, try and do one random act of kindness for yourself. What does this look like? Rest at lunchtime. You deserve to rest. Have a healthy lunch. Take a walk. Have a chocolate (Not everyday lol). Buy yourself something nice. Accept a compliment.

18:00: Reflect on Your Day

Hopefully you’ve closed down now for the day. This is the time to unwind with your family or close circle and talk about the things you enjoyed or goals you achieved.

21:00  Quiet Time

Find a quiet place to mediate, pray and be thankful for the day.

22:00 Gratitude Before Bedtime

Before you sleep write down at least one thing you are grateful for. This also keeps nightmares and restless thoughts away. 

So that is it from me. These are some of the tips I use to help me attract what I really want. How about you? Have you used the law of attraction to get what you want? Did it work for you?

Thanks for stopping by and please feel free to share with others that may benefit.

About author

RiRi is a dedicated Events & Marketing Experts/ trainer who is passionate about serving clients at Majestically Rare to the highest standards. Only the best will do. She is also the founder of Raising Confident Girls Initiative with a clear vision: A world where every girl is confident. 

Thursday, 8 March 2018


Today is International Women’s Day and I decided to write about the five types of women in my life that I admire and some have a combination of traits. In no particular order, here are my types. 

The Confident Woman

She’s the type of woman who knows who she is. She doesn’t follow the crowd or seek approval from anyone. Because she is confident, she’s not afraid to be completely open and honest with herself and those around her.  Her emotional well being is important and she will often pull away from situations that are not uplifting . Everyone is drawn to her confidence.

The Honest Woman

She’s the type of woman who is very truthful. If she’s your friend, she will be totally honest with you too. Sometimes it might seem hurtful but shes coming from a good place. She has a good heart and really has your back.

The Empathy Woman

She’s the type of woman who understands what you are going through. She’s there for her friends through thick and thin. She makes them see sense. She’s there for you in all seasons. She will drop everything to listen to your rant.

The Praying Woman

She’s the type of woman that will bombard you with prayer notes. She always invites you to one prayer meeting or the other. When she sees challenges in your life, she always prays for you. But you would never know because it’s between her and God. She just wants to see you have a strong relationship with your Maker.

The Loving Woman

She’s the type of woman that is often misunderstood because she loves from a pure heart. She has a very forgiving heart and just seeks peace daily. She is often the mediator and also tries to get her friends to be at peace with each other. The loving woman never forgets birthdays or other celebrations. She just loves to love. It’s part of her DNA.

The Go Getter

She’s not afraid of hard work. She keeps working until she gets her breakthrough. She knows the value of seeking out mentors or attending empowerment events. She's active is reaching for the skies. Nothing or nobody can stop her.  

I am so blessed to have so many amazing women in my life. Today I celebrate you all.
Happy’s Women Day. 



About author
RiRi is a dedicated Events & Marketing Experts who is passionate about serving clients at Majestically Rare to the highest standards. Only the best will do. She is also the founder of Raising Confident Girls Initiative with a clear vision: A world where every girl is confident. 

Sunday, 4 March 2018


I have worked in enough teams throughout my life to realise that great performance is increased when there are great team dynamics. At a recent training in Abuja, I informed delegates that great teams don’t come by chance. They are improved with the following characteristics.

A Compelling Purpose

When a team knows the reason why they exist and it is communicated clearly, this increases team performance. Leaders and managers should make communication clear and concise especially in the forming stage of the group, so that every team member knows and understands why they are there.

Shared Leadership

Have you noticed what happens when ONE person dominates a team? The team feel like they are controlled by one person. This does not bring unity. When there is shared leadership, its allows for more flexibility and bonding and improved team performance. This can be achieved by delegating more roles and responsibilities to others.

Great Structures

A team performs better when there are great structures. Everyone knows their roles and responsibilities and those of others. There is also access to information that is vital to the project and an open door policy for communication.

Everyone is Committed

I have been in teams where there are only a few members that are committed to working on a project. A great team has everyone engaged and committed. This is usually because the entire team is keyed on to the vision.

They Embrace Differences

Good teams understand that everyone is different. Everyone’s experiences are unique. Nobody is shut down. Views and opinions are respected. Team players normally have strong emotional intelligence and are able to manage their emotions and understand the emotions of others. They also demonstrate empathy which is the ability to understand and feel the emotions of others in their team. 

Personal Growth

Team members recognize that in order to be effective they take out time to know themselves. They attend personal development training and they seek to learn better ways of working with others.

Common Values

Teams that perform well have common values and shared vision. This enables them to work well together. They are all keyed into doing their best to achieve the objectives of the project.

Great Results

Great teams achieve great results. The team grows from strength to strength and every team player is part of the success.

So this is where I pause. Do you have anything to add to great team performance? Do get in touch if you require training to improve team performance or business skills such as marketing or sales. I can be reached at  Please feel free to leave a comment and share with others that may benefit. 

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