Saturday, 27 January 2018


I love my legs. They are nicely carved legs but that view of my legs was not always the case, especially not in Secondary school. I hid my legs! Imagine.

It all started when a popular girl in my school told me that I had big fat yams on my legs and I believed her. She asked me how I coped. It didn’t help that she had what I thought were nice legs, so I guess she was just protecting her title. Because of her opinion, I didn’t feel comfortable wearing shorts or skirts and it even affected me as an adult to some degree but thank God am I over it and I’m rocking my legs and laughing for believing her opinion over mine.

What lessons can we learn from my experience because there are always lessons?


Opinions of others are just opinions. They are not fact. Some people try and lord their opinions over you. You need a strong sense of self and who’s you are, to not let the opinions of others break you down. You are created in God's likeness. To be honest, I was teased a lot growing up but I realise now that a lot of it was just plain envy.


It’s lovely when you get compliments but there is more to you than how you look. Your looks will fade away with time but what will never fade is your inner value. Build yourself from the inside out. Work on things that are not seen like your character and your belief system. So that even if you get teased about your appearance, you know that you are more than your looks.


Don’t spend your life being miserable for what others say about you. Rather be thankful for what you have. If there’s something about your body part that you don’t like, change your mindset and be grateful.  Some people don’t have legs, arms, eyesight etc. So be grateful for what you do have.

I hope this message is a new step for anyone who has believed another person’s opinion over theirs. Life is too short to not live your life fully. Break out from your limiting belief and start believing in yourself and your value. You are so worth it.... and if its your legs that you are ashamed of, go on your knees and thank God for making them in HIS image.... and no matter the shape, just rock them like I do.

Thanks for stopping by and please feel free to leave a comment.



Sunday, 21 January 2018


Sometime last year I had an epiphany. I cant remember exactly what month it was in or what date but I remember the feeling of peace. I was done trying to figure everything out. I moved into a new state of maturity. A new state of peace and a new state of acceptance.

Here are three key points that can help you with acceptance.



Accepting yourself is the biggest step to inner peace but it takes honesty and inner reflection.  A lot of times we aspire to be or do things that we are not called to do and that causes frustration. Sometimes we envy others who have the gifting we desire. 

I remember when I was a little girl, like most little girls I wanted to be a singer. But reality set in and I realised that I just wasnt gifted to sing. We have to be really honest with ourselves.

Have you accepted yourself?
Do you know yourself?
Do you know your strengths and your weakness?
Are you trying to do things that are just not in your gifting? 
Are there people in your inner circle that you trust that can be honest with you?
I am not saying that you shouldnt strive for things that you desire but be really clear about who you are and your calling. 


You have to accept others for who they are and if change is going to come, it will have to come from the person. Newly weds please take note. 

I use to have this eagerness to try and fix people in my attempt to get on better with them. But they never changed and eventually,  I realised that you cant change others. 

The only person you can change is yourself.  Parents take note too and dont push your children to things they are just not cut out to do. 


So much is happening in the world and every day I see a rant on social media. But I wont give myself high blood pressure over the things I cant control. There are so many things in my beloved country that I would like to change like the power failure situation. Gosh that use to upset me when I first arrived but ‘’I cant kill myself’’ as they say over here.

Now I can be in a meeting and if there's a power failure I can carry on talking with everyone else rather than look confused lol. 
I have accepted what I can change and what I cant I say this short prayer. 

What about you? 
What things do you need to accept in 2018? What things are causing you unnecessary stress? 
What things do you need to let go of, so that you can really enjoy the rest of 2018? 
I do hope that this is food for thought. Please leave a comment about what you have accepted. 

Thanks for stopping by and please share to those who may benefit.

My Previous post

About author
RiRi is a dedicated Events & Marketing Experts who is passionate about serving clients at Majestically Rare to the highest standards. Only the best will do. She is also the founder of Raising Confident Girls Initiative with a clear vision: A world where every girl is confident. 

Sunday, 14 January 2018


Since the No Nonsense Goals masterclass that I attended last week I have been in deep reflection mode, designing my dream life goals, thanks to the 30 day online inner circle that I am part of. In my journey I realised that I have SMART goals, a SMART Vision board, a business vision but no tight defined vision statement or story to really actualise my personal goals and life. A vision is so important because it inspires us to focus on what matters. It also provides clarity for the future and ensures that everything we are doing now is working towards our future vision.

There are barriers to visioning though and I faced them too.
1.  We stop visioning from childhood. We thought our dreams were too big or unrealistic
2.  Visioning is a skill that most people don’t practice but the more we practice the better we become
3.  We fear  failure but we can eliminate this thinking by saying 'there are no failures but lessons learned'
4.  We think a vision has to be perfect. Hears the good news. It doesn’t.

After this week online session and to my delight I came up with my own personal vision story (which is still a work in progress) and I wanted to share the steps that I took.


The first step was to list the top ten things that matter most to me. After listing them I regrouped them and discovered 6 things that are most important to me. If you know me well enough you’ll probably be able to mention about 3 of them. I will go ahead and list three of them. 1. Love 2. Self- Worth 3. Communication. And you will probably realise that a lot of the things I do in life whether business or personal are centered around those values. 


After I listed my 6 top values, I grouped them in importance and rated them out of 10 on how strong I am and what steps if any to improve the lower scores. For example, communication is a strong value of mine and I get very frustrated when there are barriers. One of the ways I can overcome those frustrations is by asking more questions and seek to understand before being understood. 


After the above task, I was ready to write my vision story. I used all the words in my values like love, self-worth and communication to create the kind of vision I want to see for my life in the future.

I am excited because I have literally created and designed my dream life. But I am still on a journey and still in the 30 day inner group so there’s more to learn. My vision story can be tweeked  but at least I have started it. It doesnt end at writing a vision story. I read it daily along with affirmations to really bring my vision to reality. 

How about you? Have you set a personal vision statement or story for your life or business? It’s really worth creating one.


Thank you for stopping by and please feel free to leave a comment and share with others. Sharing is caring.

About author
RiRi is a dedicated Events & Marketing Experts who is passionate about serving clients at Majestically Rare to the highest standards. Only the best will do. She is also the founder of Raising Confident Girls Initiative with a clear vision: A world where every girl is confident. 

Saturday, 6 January 2018


After ending last year on a high, I was feeling anxious about how I was going to start the New Year and set goals to achieve the same level or even better success. I knew one person that could ignite and equip me for 2018 and that is Udo Okonjo with her No Nonsense Goals Masterclass series.

The masterclass did re-ignite my enthusiasm for setting and achieving extraordinary life goals for 2018. It involved deep reflection and clarity on my vision and goals and identifying the key steps I need to achieve them.



Here are some points I wish to share. You don’t have to start 2018 all over again with a new template for goal setting. You can carry on from where you finished in 2017. But you have to position yourself for success and be deliberate and intentional. 

There was a lot of exercises in this masterclass. One of the exercises, I found powerful was the reflection exercise. Its important to acknowledge and celebrate your successes but also see every experience whether good or bad as lessons learned.

In order to turn potential into true power we need

1. A strong desire
2. Belief
3. Action
4. Prepartion
5. Become unstoppable 'no excuses'


Another exercise that I found powerful was the vision session and its something I practice at home with a vision board. You have to believe that anything you write down is possible. So I wrote down 10 big goals things I am expecting for 2018.

It’s important to be accountable and here I am with my accountability partner Oghenero. ''Nice to meet you all'' she says lol.



Repetition breeds mastery. Don’t become too familiar with your goals or with people or places. The only time you stop setting goals is when you are dead.

Be mindful of your thoughts. Every time we say we are not enough, we shut down our creative juices.


Nothing is impossible to those who believe.

Set goals around big ideas.

Have one master goal.

Think of 100 ways to make the goal happen

Invest in books

Invest in training

Form networks

Who can help us achieve our goals?

Finally always think about what you can give back to humanity. It really makes a difference.


Follow UDO OKONJO on her IG for more LIVE Life principles

Have you set your SMART Goals for 2018? Always remember to take action.

Our High Impact Business Workshop returns on the first week of February. Do watch out for more details on our IG page. See below.


Thanks for reading my first blog post of the year and I look forward to sharing more life lessons and learning in the months to come.  I believe that 2018 will be amazing, incredible, phenomenal, majestic, brilliant and fantastic to those who believe it will. Thanks for stopping by and feel free to leave a comment.