Ive been going through a journey, especially after the
loss of my father last year February. It has made me dig deeper and ask myself
some deep questions especially about my values and I’ve made quick adjustments in
certain areas of my life.
Are Values?
I guess the first question you must ask yourself if you
too are going on this journey is, what are values? Your values are the things
you believe are most important in the way you live and work. They will help you determine
what is important to you and help you discover whether life is turning out the
way you want it.
When the things that you do and the way you behave match your values, you will feel satisfied and content. But when these dont align with your values, that's when things feel wrong. This can be a source of unhappiness and misery.
My Values
In my pursuit of self discovery I took a personal value test.
The results deepened what I already know about myself but it was an
eye opener for some of my beliefs that are so important to me. Some of my
values include Excellence, Reliability, Friendship, Openness and Compassion. No surprises
there I don’t think.
I recommend that everyone take this test. Click the
link here to take it.
Values & Others
The above quote was shared yesterday on my social media platforms. I was thinking about my friendships, especially new
ones that I have formed in the last 5 years and this is what drew to my
conclusion above. The ones that flow so
effortlessly are the one where we have similar values. For example one of my core
values is Empathy so I am always going to get on better with people who share
that value.
Values & Spirituality
I have come to realize that we all have different values where our Christian growth and walk is concerned. Love is the greatest
gift of them all and I see that as the strongest value. That is a value that every church should have in Nigeria but
different churches have different expressions and sometimes love doesn’t rank
the highest value. There’s been a lot of negativity about churches in Nigeria especially on social media. Some
accusing churches of losing their salt. This blog post is not about churches but it’s
important to find a church that fits in with your values or your expression. I
have fond memories of a church I attended when I was a young girl which has formed a strong desire for what I look for in a church or fellowship. You can
click the link below.
How about you? Do you know your core values? Are you living them? You might
want to dig deeper. Please share your views. Thanks for stopping by and please
feel free to share with others.