Everyone is seeking happiness. That’s why people go on
holiday. Achieve bigger goals. Try to get rich. Go on a shopping sprees. Buy Bigger TV's , bigger cars and bigger houses. But have you noticed that a lot of these tactics are short lived?
Here are a few things that I try to do in my
pursuit of happiness so that it is long lasting.
In The Now
One of the biggest happiness killers is worry. Some people
worry too much. And if they are not worrying they don’t feel normal. Most of
the things we worry about come to pass, so why worry in the first place? There
was a time I use to worry about everything but one day I woke up and asked myself
two questions. How is my worrying going to change my current situation? What is the worst thing that can happen? Considering
all the health issues that are associated with worrying, the worst thing that
can happen is to die from worrying too much. I dont wish this on anyone. So dont worry. Be happy...(singalong)
Let’s be real! There are some people that are annoying
and deliberately set out to hurt us and forgiving them is not easy. But we have
to forgive, for our own happiness and peace of mind. We can’t internalize their behaviour
or blame ourselves. We have to accept that some humans will behave badly at times.
We can keep away, keep them at arms length and guard our hearts.
Be Around
Those Who Lives Are Working
It’s great to surround yourself with people that are
naturally happy or have a positive vibe. They are not flaky. What you see is
what you get. They might even have things that are going on in their lives that
are challenging but they have a quiet confidence that things will work out. They
are just happy and content. Even if you cant meet with them in real life you
can follow them on social media. They are just happy folk.
There is a big link between exercise and happiness. I should know. When I stop working out I dont feel good at all. In fact, my feeling of well being decreases. You have to find what works for you. But please find it. I combine going to the gym, walking round my estate and dancing. I am not obsessed about weighing myself. I just want to be fit and its working and it keeps me happy.
Which brings me nicely to my final point. If you want to be
happy, you have to be content - simple. Unfortunately, so many people are not. How
can one be more content with their lot? First of all, be grateful. Don’t see
your life as a competition with others. Stay in your own lane. Be happy for the success of others. Celebrate
others. Get rid of those bad vibes which
are jealously and envy. Give a compliment to others. It won’t diminish your
So, there you have it. These are my thoughts. Please
share your tips on happiness in the comment box. Thanks for stopping by and please share
with others that might find this blog post useful.