Thursday, 25 August 2016


I would like to think that I am an expert in the topic of confidence, considering how many posts and conversations I’ve engaged in since the start of Raising Confident Girls, an online movement which I’ve been involved in since September 2014 but the truth is one can never stop discovering new ways to build confidence because there’s always new revelations that come up. 

Confidence is the belief that you can do something. Confidence always involves action.  The difference between a confident person and unconfident person is simply that the confident person acts on their goals and thoughts and doesn’t let the fear of failure stop them.

I want to share 20 nuggets that I’ve discovered about confidence in the hope that it will inspire you to become even more confident at what you do.

1.  You don’t have to be born with confidence.

2.  Confidence is like a muscle, the more you practice, the better you become at it.

3.  Faking confidence will only get you so far, you have to take action.

4.  Being confident will take you to a higher level once you believe in yourself and your abilities.

5.  Being confident doesn’t mean you are arrogant. It just means you believe in what you can do.

6.  Confidence can be taught and re-taught.

7.  Confident people are happy for others.

8.  If you see a person who is authentic, you are looking at a confident person.

9.  Confident people stand out because of their strong belief system.

10.              When you are confident in yourself, you are less competitive because you know what you carry.

11.              Gratitude builds confidence.

12.              Confidence doesn’t mean you have all the answers.

13.              Being confident means you can actually say ''I don’t know it all but I will do my best''.

14.              Confident people seek knowledge.

15.              Being an extrovert doesn’t mean you are confident.

16.              Being an introvert doesn’t mean you are less confident.

17.              Confidence attracts influencers.

18.              Taking risks increases confidence.

19.              Confident people feel the fear and do it anyway.

20.              The God factor builds confidence.

Thanks for stopping by. Now it’s your turn please share your thoughts on confidence. If you enjoyed this post, please share with others.

Sunday, 21 August 2016


Today I attended Jesus House Brent Cross and Pastor Agu’s message on how to elevate to the next level was both timely and instructive, so I thought to share my notes in the hope that it will prompt you to take action like it did for me.

These are 7 points that we need to follow, if we want to elevate to the next level.


Wealth is not money. Wealth is knowledge. People who have knowledge are people who progress and elevate to the next level. The world is full of problems and people are desperate for solutions. The solution providers are the ones who will elevate. They are set apart because of their knowledge. God has called each of us to use a particular area to serve in the world. How much knowledge you master in your area will determine the success you elevate to, because people always gravitate to an expert.  We need to be cautious however, that if we seek knowledge outside of God, we may end up puffed up or arrogant.


The journey of life is a spiritual warfare. The enemy attacks are devious and scheming. We know that Jesus who is the son of God spent time praying to his Father. So what is our excuse for not praying? Praying is the most important point for elevating to the next level. There’s a lot of wishful thinking in the world but in reality someone who has been on their knees has a better chance of victory over life's battles. What is your prayer pattern like? Your prayer life must match your dream.


Jesus spent 30 years in training before he started his ministry. The process of maturity takes time. The body of Christ want magic. They want to see immediate results.  Many give up because they dont persevere. Ask anyone who has elevated to the next level and you will find that they have gone through a challenging journey before reaching great success. The route to success is many failures.


It is impossible to reach a destination without a road map. A goal without a plan is a wish. To hope is just to believe something will happen. One has to sit down strategically to plan. Most plans are abandoned because of no plan. So many businesses fail because they haven’t invested in a marketing plan.

Time Management

There is a time for everything under the sun. It is impossible to do anything without mastering time management. Take advantage of time because once it’s gone, its gone. Why not invest in time management training. This is a very important skill, as it teaches you to be more efficient. More efficiency increases profit to any business.


The final point that pastor Agu talked about today is Focus.  I believe that being focused is really about discipline. What you focus on you become.

This is a great acronym that he shared
F. Follow
O. One
C. Cause
U. Until
S. Successful

So that’s the message that I noted today. I hope you found it useful. There’s a catch. You need to do something. If you read this message but don’t take the necessary steps then you are unlikely to get to the next level.

Here are some ideas
·        Invest in personal development training
·        Invest in business training
·        Invest in some business books
·        Review your SMART Goals
·        Create an actionable Vision Board
·        Create a daily to do list
·        Acknowledge and list your wins
·        Set aside time for prayer
·        Download a prayer app
·        Read a proverb a day

Useful link - click here

Scripture references

Deuteronomy 2:3
Proverbs 1:7
Proverbs 3:19
Proverbs 15:4
Ephesians 6:12
Colossians 1:9
Matthew 7:7

Thanks for stopping by. Please leave a comment and share if you found it useful.

Happy Sunday

Saturday, 20 August 2016


So I’ve been on holiday for the last few weeks and everyone in London is wondering whether we will return back to our beloved Naija which we relocated to, in 2008. I kind of wondered about that question when I was sitting on the boat in Hyde park. I started to wonder whether I wanted to return to my country of heritage with all its ''wahala'' but alas I reminded myself that all that glitters in the UK is not gold.

Morning Thoughts

I got my wake up call this morning when the sun disappeared and I was reminded how miserable the English weather can be and how that alone can affect your happiness. I started to think about all the things I will be looking forward when I return back and here is my list.

The God Factor

The Naija environment keeps you focused on God. I doubt that are many atheists living in Naija. Your daily life is in constant warfare from leaving your house to doing business to mingling with others. God needs to be ever present in your life, unlike in the UK where it so easy to forget to rely on HIM.

The Light Factor

Everyone is talking about how good the light situation has been in Lagos and I can testify to that because before we left for our holidays, our estate had constant light for nearly 3 weeks. That has never happened before in the 8 years that I have lived in Lagos. So up Lagos government for that.

Constant Hot Weather

When I lived in the UK, I use to get bouts of depression in the winter. The early dark nights just didn’t work for me. I haven’t experienced any sort of deep depression in Lagos. I love constant sunshine and it's good for the skin.

Organic Fresh Food

A friend of mine was complaining that she bought an apple from her local supermarket and it had remained the same for about 6 months. She knew that wasn’t right because if it was fresh it would have gone off within a week. I love the fact the fresh food in Lagos is organic. So that means I am eating food that is healthy and good for me.

New Relationships

Unlike the UK, I have very few close friends in Lagos but that doesn’t mean I wont meet new people that think like me and understand me. I am actually looking forward to building on relationships and joining new networks. I have definitely built strong business relationships/ partnerships and more are developing both locally and globally. 

Emerging Market

Nigeria is an emerging market and despite the challenges there is still so many opportunities to have a great business. There’s also opportunities to give back and really make an impact to your community.

So it looks like we are going back BUT just not yet....

Thanks for stopping by. If you found this blog post useful please leave a comment and share with others. 

Wednesday, 17 August 2016


At the beginning of the year,  I was invited to attend a goal setting masterclass for entrepreneurs. It was a valuable session and I was keen to use the strategies that were discussed to implement in my business because I wanted my company, Majestically Rare to experience a quantum leap. 

Vision Board

One of the principles that was shared in the strategy session was about creating a vision board.  As soon as the strategy session was over, I immediately wrote down my goals, collated my photos and before you could say Jack Robinson, I had pinned up my vision board in a strategic place in my bedroom so that I could see it daily. The vision board is my secret weapon and this is how it has helped me.

Jack Canfield  author Success Principles 

Goals Achieved

I’ve been writing goals for as long as I can remember. The whole concept of goal setting is not new to me. As a marketing consultant I teach about smart goals and planning etc. But this is the first year that I have actually created a vision board. Most of the goals that I set at the beginning of the year by God's grace have been achieved, even the Mega ones.

The Right Path

Another great advantage about having a vision board is that it keeps you in the right path. By looking at your vision board daily, you subconsciously start to take action. I look at my vision board daily and speak affirmations to my goals like they have been achieved. The bible guides us to speak those things that are not, as if they are and this is what I did with my vision board.

Purpose Alive

When you see your goals visually, it keeps your purpose alive. Just by looking at your goals daily, energies you to fulfill your God given purpose. There is no need to coast along in life. With a vision board it helps you achieve your goals quicker. That has been my experience which I thought to share because sharing is caring. 

I view  my Vision Board daily, even before a workout

I am currently on holiday and brought my vision board with me. It follows me everywhere. It is my secret weapon and I hope if you haven’t already done so, start today and create a vision board. It's never too late - even in August. You will be glad you did.

This is a useful link on how to get started

Thanks for stopping by. If you found this blog post useful please leave a comment and share with others.

Monday, 15 August 2016


This weekend reminded me of the value of friendship. I was away in Norwich a lovely rural part of England, celebrating with dear friends, Ike and Linda. I was grateful to be among solid friends.  Some people say that their trusted friends are those that they have known since childhood but I believe that you can meet great friends at any stage in your life as long as you are open and willing to give and take in the relationship.  

Seedtime and Harvest Time

As long as the earth remains they shall be seed time and harvest. Great friends love you in all seasons.  They love you whether you are up or whether you are down. Whether you are going through a boom or whether you are going through a drought. Great friends are there for life. 

Only the Best will do

My company, Majestically Rare’s tag line is ‘’Ónly the Best will do’’ and great friends want only the best for you. They are non-competitive.  They celebrate all that you do. They are solid in their own purpose. They know ultimately, that our purpose is for God, not ourselves.

Pure Advice
Sometimes a great a friend will give you advice only from a place of protection and concern over your emotional well-being.  Only a great friend can tell you if your breath smells lol. They are honest with you and will never hold back anything from you, especially where your best interest is concerned. They are willing to lose you sometimes, just for you to see the light.

Pray Together
Friends that pray together, stay together. Great friends pray with you and for you. This weekend during a visit to Norwich to celebrate with great friends, Ike and Linda, during the prayers I shed a tear because I realised this important factor was the key to making our friendship solid and long lasting. It’s the God factor.

Love At All Times
Great friends, appreciate, celebrate and love you fiercely.  This holiday is a reminder of the importance of great friends. It's been great catching up with great friends and I look forward to catching up with more of them.  

I want to appreciate all my great friends, the old, the new and the one’s that I am getting to know. I am grateful to have you in my life.

Whoop whoop to great friends

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Thanks for stopping by. 

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Book Review! 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do by Amy Morin

I am always in pursuit of drastically improving the quality of my life and picked up this book called 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont do, by Amy Morin. There are so many challenges in the world today and if you don’t develop mental strength you can actually break down especially in a place like Lagos where the levels of stress are quite high.  The traffic alone at times is enough to give one an extreme headache.  The book offers easy steps to manage mental stress which I have listed below with my own additional comments.

1. They don’t waste time feeling sorry for themselves
It’s a waste of time feeling sorry for yourself. It’s not productive. Rather than feel sorry for yourself,  look for solutions to solve the issue.  The author suggests we behave in a manner that makes it hard for us to feel sorry for ourselves. Replace thoughts that encourage self pity and find ways to be grateful.

    2. They don’t give away their power
    Are you the type of person that gives away your power this I mean giving others to power to control how you think, feel and behave? Maybe you are not assertive and cant say NO. How does one get their power back? There’s so much advice in the book but the biggest one is to take total responsibility for your actions. Nobody can use you, unless you let them. Also choose to forgive those who you gave your power away to and start today to be in control.

3. They don’t shy away from change
Change is inevitable and one has to develop a plan to adapt to change. I relocated to Lagos in 2008 and it took me a while to adapt to Lagos life. What would have I done differently? Change my mindset and realise that change is normal. Embrace change. 

4. They don’t focus on things they can’t control
This is a challenge for some people especially leaders. But leaders should focus on the things that they can control. Leaders should influence others without trying to control them and practice acceptance.  The author says that when we stop trying to control every aspect of our life, we will have more time and energy to devote to things we can control.

    5.  They don’t worry about pleasing everyone
    People pleasing is linked with low self-esteem.  Some of it is learned behaviour. Maybe you had a parent who was a people pleaser so you become one.  People pleasing damages relationships and it makes you lose sight of your own values. People pleasers have to learn assertive techniques and really be firm in saying NO. The author says when you develop strong assertive skills, your confidence will soar. You will have more time and energy to devote to your goals. You will feel less stressed. Relationships will become less toxic and you will have increased will power.

6.  They don’t fear taking calculated risks
This can be a major challenge and cause a lot of mental stress especially if decisions are based soley on one’s emotions. The author says that what is helpful is practicing taking risks and monitoring the results so that we can learn from each risk we take.

   7. They don’t dwell on the past  
   This is a habit that we need to kick fast if we want to achieve strong mental health. The authors says that dwelling on the past distracts us from the presents. She lists a few strategies that can help one including shifting your thinking and making peace with the past.

    8.  They don’t make the same mistakes over and over
    If this is something you struggle with then you might want to read this chapter over and over again. If we keep making the same mistakes they will keep coming back until we learn the lesson. One of solutions the author suggests is to practice self-discipline. Create a list of all the reasons why we don’t want to make the same mistake and then we should commit to sticking to our plan.

    9. They don’t resent other people’s success   
    Its unreasonable to resent other people’s success because you don’t know what steps they took to get there. For example, a famous footballer may have spent mornings and nights in training to get where he is. The author gives steps to curb resentment such as avoid comparing yourself to other people.  Don’t emphasis your weaknesses. Quit magnifying other people’s strengths. Don’t insult other people’s accomplishments and I would add to work on yourself and discover your own purpose.

            10. They don’t give up after the first failure 
    If I gave up after the first failure I wouldn’t be in business.  Change the way you think about failure. I don’t think of anything in my life as failure rather lessons learned.  The author states that you should view failures as an opportunity to learn and focus on improving your skills.

   11.   They don’t fear alone time 
   I am beginning to appreciate my alone time more these days. Its when I pray and reflect and take stock of my life. A lot of ideas come when I’m alone.  The author says that we should learn how to appreciate alone time. Journaling is a good way to appreciate your alone time or writing your thoughts down like I like to do.

   12. They don’t feel the world owes them anything  
   This really means that we take 100% responsibility for our life. Unfortunately, a lot of people have an entitlement mentality which leads to being very selfish. The author suggests we should develop the habit of being givers, not takers. We can never give enough. Always behave like a team player and practice humility. I would also add to practice empathy – which is putting yourself in someone else's shoes.

    13. They don’t expect immediate results
    Mentally strong people are not obsessed with immediate results. They see the bigger picture and the longer vision. They understand the law of sowing and reaping. The author suggests that we should create realistic expectations of our goals, recognize that progress isn’t always obvious and practice delayed gratification. And this concludes my summary notes of the book. In summary, I would recommend reading the book chapter by chapter. It is definitely good tool worth investing in.

   Good luck and thanks for stopping by. Please leave a comment and share with others who can benefit. Thank you. 

Monday, 8 August 2016


Dean Hall Christian Centre in West Ealing is a place I remember fondly. It was literally 2 minutes from my home. I was an impressionable 8 year old when I started attending the youth club on Thursday nights.

I joined completely for the wrong reasons. I was wooed into attending because at the end of each club session, we were given chocolates. And as an 8-year-old, I loved chocolates. Still do as an adult. 

With all the fun and love that was being poured on me at the Thursday’s youth club, I quickly joined the Sunday service. I would attend my local Catholic church in the morning and also attend Dean Hall immediately afterwards. I received even bigger goodies based on the amount of times I attended. I was committed to attending as many services as I could just because I wanted to get top notch goodies. Little did I know that my regular attendance at this little church was planting a seed in me. They were not only preaching the Word of God, their light was shining bright.

I met people in this small little church that were loving, caring and compassionate.  They put others first before themselves. They loved others the way Christ loved the church.  They set a high standard as how Christians ought to be. How can I get forget the likes of Mr Smith, who was one of the youth pastors.  I also went to a few summer camps in far away places in England with this tiny church.
It was nostalgic coming back to Dean Hall today.  We drove there and I showed my husband and kids this tiny place that was so significant in my life.

LIFE LESSON: Sometimes it’s the smaller things that make a bigger impact in your life.

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